
Sottotitolo: la zia ha o no sempre ragione ?

Rifare l’home page di E’ l’invito della stessa British Broadcast Company che ha messo su un apposito concorso.

Chi vince vedrà la propria creatura per un giorno occupare la prima pagina del sito di BBC, si porterà a casa un portatile della Apple e si farà un giretto al quartier generale.

Troppo poco per alcuni.

Si sfruttano gli utenti in cambio di un piatto di lenticchie decorando il tutto con il candido vestitino della “collaborazione aperta” ?

Può essere. Però la replica di Ben Metcalfe per Bbc non è poi così mal messa:

This is true – we could indeed have done this all by ourselves. One day, in the future, we could simply launch a new homepage for you. We could say “This is what the BBC thinks is best for you. This is what the millions of people who use the homepage every week will use from now on. Here you go, now get on with it”.

But not only does that not seem right, but that’s not a BBC approach. Auntie doesn’t always know best.

It’s your homepage, (it’s your BBC) and I want to offer everyone the opportunity to feedback to us what they want it to look like. I certainly wouldn’t feel comfortable working on a project to redesign the homepage if the community hadn’t been adequately consulted – and their ideas, desires and thoughts fed back into the process and acted upon. Clearly if you don’t want to participate then you don’t have to – no one is forcing you to.