Se il mio Pagerank fosse 100

Il potere di Google. Se un giorno per un imprevedibile bug vi capitasse di avere un Pagerank pari a 100 la vostra vita cambierebbe radicalmente e potrebbe finire così.

…And three months later indeed Josh was a celebrity. Every of his words got quoted somewhere. CNN. ABC. BBC. Slate. Wired. Daily Mirror. New York Times. Some opened up daily Josh-columns. Josh never imagined there would be so many journalists around spicing up their story with a random quip they just googled. There were Josh fan forums. There were sites dedicated to post essayist comments on Josh’s posts. Illustrations. Explanations. Discussions.”

..So when Josh talked about Iraq, the President had to give a press meeting. When Josh found that his Operating System was buggy, Bill Gates had to announce to do everything to better help the “average user”. (Josh was mildly annoyed by being considered an average user, so Bill Gates had to call in yet another press conference promising not to think in terms of “average users”.)